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2022 Food and Health Survey Spotlight: Snacking

Whether it’s salty or sweet—or, for many, a mix of both!—Americans are no strangers to snacks. But what exactly are Americans’ preferences when it comes to the kinds of snacks…

What Is the Volumetrics Diet?

The Volumetrics diet was developed by Dr. Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Penn State University, with the intention of creating a dietary approach that emphasizes healthy eating patterns rather…

4 Ways to Subtract Added Sugars from your Diet

Food is often central to our gatherings and conversations with friends and family. And it usually doesn’t take long before the conversation turns to what people are trying to eat…

Diversifying MyPlate: North American Indigenous Cuisine

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and its associated MyPlate graphic are commonly referenced resources for learning about healthy and nutritious eating. The recently-updated 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans put a…

Tips for Mindful Snacking

Life is busy for all of us, and it can feel impossible to slow down and make intentional choices about the food we eat each day. Most of us know…

Your Mindful Eating Resource

Mindful eating is a dietary practice that emphasizes intentionality and awareness while eating, with a goal to develop a healthier relationship with food. In 2022, “mindful eating” was added to…

Tips for Parents of Picky Eaters

“What’s for dinner?” It’s a question you may hear weekly (or even daily!) if you’re a parent of young children. But depending on the individual tummies and appetites in your…